This blog is going to have surfing, snowboarding, tech stuff and maybe some 'meaning of life' stuff if I'm feeling particularly stoked.

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Bronze Medallion

I'm doing the Assessment for Bronze Medallion Life Saving Award this evening.

Myself and another guy are being assessed 4 weeks ahead of schedule (I'll be in Seattle when the scheduled exam is held) and we're also doing Life Support 3, rather than Life Support 1 which we originally trained for, so it's been a very rushed preparation.

After 10 weeks of 8.30 Saturday morning starts it's good to be near the finish so I just hope we get a result.

I've been training 3 days a week for the last fortnight and studying first aid in my spare time so it will also be good to free up some time to prepare for the move.

Off to rescue a baby from a horrific case of drowning, bleeding & shock with some choking thrown in for good measure.
