This blog is going to have surfing, snowboarding, tech stuff and maybe some 'meaning of life' stuff if I'm feeling particularly stoked.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Happy Solstice

It was a beautiful weekend here in Seattle, perfect weather for the annual Fremont Fair and Solstice Parade.

The parade is very much an "anything goes" type event (Gina thought it would have been much better with a theme and placards announcing the floats - but that's not really the spirit of the thing) however this year the "Human Piercing Suspension Artists" (sounds sore) were barred from the parade.

The traditional and now almost mainstream "Naked Cyclists" were very much out in force.

With the silly season approaching at home, I couldn't help but wonder what the Twelth of July parades would be like with some naked cyclists. I really wish the tolerance, peace and goodwill which exudes from this event could be felt by everyone in Northern Ireland.
